What is 3TAC?
Source: | Author:weltool | Published time: 2021-05-17 | 2241 Views | Share:

    This 3TAC is the special name of Weltool’s tactical flashlight. 3TAC is a tactical flashlight that can be converted into 3 modes. These 3 modes are also required for three tactics.

    1. In an emergency, too complicated operation mode will affect your safety. So, sometimes you only need one mode, which is high, whether you are a half-press switch or a full-press switch. You can concentrate on dealing with emergencies instead of wasting energy on flashlights.

    2. If you use a flashlight when patrolling, you may need a longer battery life instead of a very high lumens all the time, so the high-low two modes are very suitable for you

    3. If your use environment requires strobe, then 3TAC is also suitable for you, you only need to press the switch all the way. Because when people are nervous, it is difficult for you to do half-press, most people will press the switch fully.

    When you get the Weltool 3TAC tactical flashlight, you can choose one of the above three modes in advance according to your use environment. No matter which mode you choose, in the off state, you can half-press to turn on the highest brightness, which is a tactical momentary turn on, and no matter how many times you repeat this half-press, it will be the highest brightness, instead of switching to Other brightness modes.

    This is the 3TAC philosophy of Weltool,Patent pending...